Monday, September 13, 2010

Take Action #13: Thank someone - in WRITING

Today's action item is simple.  Write a thank you note by hand.  There is nothing more special than a hand-written note that comes in an envelope with a real stamp and real hand writing on the envelope - not a printed envelope or one with a label.  Don't know about you but 80% of my e-mail is spam or newsletters or mass e-mails.  I have to weed through 100's of e-mails a day just to see if there is one that needs my attention.  If you really want to get the attention of someone, send them a note in a colored envelope or odd-sized envelope - not a traditional business envelope.  Of course this action item came to me because I have at least 2 thank you notes to send, one birthday card and a sympathy note.

Some friends that are great at hand-written notes are Karen Hoffman, Laura Schact and Joe High.  Karen will even tear out articles that pertain to something I am working on and mail it with a note.  Laura sends me notes every once in a while just to tell me she likes me.  We even have the same birthday and she will always send a card - I, on the other hand will call and bring by beer......  Joe has a system for networking that includes sending notes, a book, documents needed before your first meeting with him, etc. 

When to write a hand-written note:
  • After an interview
  • After/before meeting someone for the first time
  • When someone goes above and beyond
  • When a client places a big order
  • When a vendor saved your butt
  • When a colleague goes out of their way to help you out
  • When you need to say you are sorry
  • When you are thinking about someone
  • When you love someone
  • When someone dies
  • When someone is sick
  • When someone divorces
  • When you are praying for someone
  • When someone makes a charitable donation

When do you send hand-written notes?  When was the last time you sent one?  Share your ideas here!

Enjoy Taking Action!



  1. Angela, thanks for the reminder, we have lost the art of writing and mailing.

  2. Very great reminder...and you're right on!
    In the midst of so much electronic communication, a handwritten note stands out so much and is so very appreciated.
