Friday, September 10, 2010

Create a Dream/Vision Board - Take Action #11

Our Take Action #9 was to DREAM. Hopefully you did some of that and put those ideas on paper. Now, the fun part – creating your vision board! This is a couple-hour exercise – most fun when done on the weekend – this would be a great weekend to start. Remember those 6 areas of life that you allowed yourself to dream in: Health, Spirituality, Relationships, Wealth, Career and Education? Now it’s time to cut out pictures, phrases and words that resonate with you in those areas.

The materials that you will need are: poster size foam board, markers, sticky glue and magazines. I would encourage you to get as many different types of magazines as you can find including: Trade magazines, fashion magazines, home and lifestyles magazines, furniture catalogues, clothing catalogues, car catalogues, etc. The idea of this exercise is to cut out pictures, words and phrases that catch your attention and when you look at them you say “I would like that” OR “that is so me”. This will take some time especially if you are looking for something specific.

I have had some of my clients type up phrases and print them when they couldn’t find the words they were looking for.

The next step is to look at your board and decide how you want to set it up and this is completely determined by how your brain thinks. Some folks are very orderly and have “areas” on the board that they clump their pictures and words in and some folks have a collage of all areas all over the place. I like to break my board up into sections. For example, the top right corner might be “relationships”, I would have a picture of my future mate, pictures of a happy family and then words like “happy marriage”, “wakes up happy”, “joyful”, “respectful children”, etc.

There may be “things” that you want like a Mercedes or Victorian style dream house, or places like vacation destinations, gardens, and concerts. You may want a whole new wardrobe or want to learn to cook or always desired to have your own radio show. Put it all up there. Everything that you would envision as wanting to have in your future, put it up there. This is all part of visualization - which is the act of visualizing something you want as if you already have it. Part of visualization is thinking/meditating and the other part is having this visual reminder of what your intentions are. Just like when you wanted to lose weight, you would put either a skinny picture of yourself on the frig or a picture of some stick model. You might have a picture of a car you have been saving for taped to the mirror in the bathroom. A Dream Board or Vision Board is a larger scale of those examples and can include everything you want for your life.

Now, the key to all of this is to not shove your dream board in a closet or under the bed. You need to put it in a place where you will see it daily. The office or bedroom is always a great place. You may not want it hanging in the kitchen or family room because only you need to see it. As you look at this board, you will be amazed as months go by how things start to transform.

I created a board in October 2008. By February, I had moved into a place that looked like the house that I had put on my vision board. I met the man on the board a year later – my daughter said that the guy I pasted on my board looked like my boyfriend! I still don’t know if he is the “one” but he has a lot of the characteristics I put on my board. One of my “phrases” was to be a well known blogger – I am on my way….

Don’t underestimate the power of visualization. It’s ok to change your mind or create a new one every couple of years. We change, life changes and our dreams change. Also – being specific is a good idea. I have the house on my dream board, but next time I will put “own/purchase” – because I ended up renting the house. If you aren’t specific, you may get what you want in a different package than you imagined.

If you have some ideas on creating a dream board, please post them here OR better yet, upload a picture of your board – I would love to see it!  Below is a sample of mine and here is a link to other vision boards.

Have a great weekend.

Enjoy Taking Action,

Angela Lieb


  1. Angela: You know how much I love vision boards! Remember when we made ours at your house a year ago? Well, many of those items have become a reality, so I better get cracking on a new one.

    I love the information you are sharing. You are definitely on your way to be a famous blogger!

  2. I do remember but I never got to see your finished product - I would love to see it if you could send me a picture - let me know if I can share with our FB friends. You rock!

  3. Totally believe in this Angela. I did mine last year with a collage program on my pc and then had it printed out and framed. My Honey hung it on the wall for me, I put it on my computer desktop as the background, and I put it on my BlackBerry background. It's everywhere I look!

  4. There is a great tri-fold board that allows for folding and easy transportation - available at the office supply stores - Easy to tuck away if needed - or to carry to the next location. Elmers is one brand - here are colors:
