It’s been about a week since my last post because I have been dealing with a computer that crashed and my data was not recoverable. 2 years of corporate e-mail backup, 2 years of research, company presentations and all of my 111 Ways to Take Action files…
Did I have a backup? Noooo….That would be assuming something would go wrong and not trusting the Universe/God that all would work out – as it has for me the last 10 times my computer died. The last 10 times, my data was able to be recovered. This time, not so much. I thought I was invincible. If you too are like me and you are an “optimist” and think that everything will work out, keep in mind that “Every year, 43% of computer users lose their music, photos, documents, and more” according to Carbonite, an online back up company that was recommended to me by two friends on Facebook.
Luckily, all of my personal files and photos are on another computer. It took all of 2 minutes for me to set up a free trial of Carbonite and it is backing up all of my stuff as I type. It should take about 2 days the first time around. I have 10 days before I decide if I will become a paying customer. For $54 a year per computer, you bet I will.
I would love for you to share your back-up horror stories with me. I would like to know that there are other clueless or eternally optimistic people out there.
The only good thing I can pull from this is that I have a clean slate. I can set up a new system that is more organized for all my files and also determine how much e-mail I actually needed to save. My dad asked how often I went back to those old e-mails – I told him about 5% of the time. I need to determine what e-mails are “keepers” and which ones are really not important. It is allowing me to simplify.
By the way, the company I work for, provides a shared drive that we can store all of our information on for back-up purposes. Again, I thought it would take too long. I hate learning these kinds of lessons.
What is your back up story?
I agree for this post everyone backup your computer because you won't your important data and this facility of the cost so cheap also..So please get good backup plan your computer..