Monday, September 20, 2010

Turn Off The Phone - Take Action #14

Somehow, I went straight from Take Action #13 to Take Action #15.  I neglected poor #14 - so here it is.  
Put the Phone Away
OK – I know it’s like I just asked you to cut off your right arm – but really – that little box with all the keys, applications, messages, and pictures sometimes keeps us from our work and our face-to-face relationships.  Last night I took my kids out to dinner to celebrate my oldest daughter’s 20th birthday.  I asked them to all put their phones away so that we could enjoy each other.  We did great – we made it an hour without looking at that box and we had a great time.  I also made the other 3 say something they loved about their big sister – they told me I was weird.  Whatever.
As I found the other day, not having my phone for 24 hours was a struggle - especially since it is my life line to my kids, parents, and especially my job.  On my way to my 9:00 in Litchfield, IL I got stuck in traffic which set me back 20 minutes and then I was in such a hurry since I had no way to communicate with my client – that I decided that driving faster would be the answer – then I got pulled over – got a ticket. I wonder if I can put it on my expense report....I blame my cell phone.
Anyway, we have become so addicted to our phones, that we literally have panic attacks when we can’t find them.  Here’s an article on cell phone addiction.
As much as we think we are more productive with the little box that we carry around 24/7, it can actually jeopardize relationships and be a huge distraction when working.  I challenge you to try for one day to take two (2) one-hour breaks from your phone.  Turn it off for one hour during your work day to see how much work you get done without stopping to take a call or reply to a text.  Even though most phones have e-mail, it is a heck of a lot faster to type on the computer.  The second hour is reserved for someone you love.  Give them your undivided attention.  There is nothing worse than having a conversation with someone and they keep looking down at their phone while you are spilling your guts.    Makes you feel insignificant. 
Can you do it?  Give me your feedback on how it went.
Take Action – Turn the phone off!

1 comment:

  1. I do not own a cell phone and seem to get along just fine. The world was conquered and developed without the use of cell phones. Just sayin'. :)
